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Author: Ashleigh DoRozario

Potts Lawyers > Articles posted by Ashleigh DoRozario

Personal Injury Claim: What to Do When Served with a Notice

What To Do When Served with a Notice of Claim Form  It is important you contact a lawyer as soon as you are served with a personal injury claim, as time limitations apply and they can impact your defence as well as your financial interests. Notice of Claim Form Generally, you will be personally served with a letter from a law firm attaching a lengthy document. The front page of that document will likely be headed ‘Form 1’ and state it is a ‘Notice of Claim’ under the Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 (Qld) (‘PIPA’). Sometimes the letter and claim form will arrive by...

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Why Lawyers in QLD Cannot Advertise Personal Injury Claims

Did you know that lawyers and law firms in Queensland cannot advertise their services relating to making a personal injury claim? Despite the legislative restrictions, many lawyers and law firms ignore the limitations and advertise their personal injury services anyway. Not us though.  While we do provide personal injury services, we understand our legislative and ethical obligations to refrain from advertising personal injury claims. In this article, we will explore why personal injury lawyers cannot advertise their claims services, how these restrictions aim to protect both clients and the integrity of the legal profession, and what clients can do if they need help...

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Ashleigh DoRozario to discuss the need for an accessibility liaison in Queensland Courts with the Attorney-General

Potts Lawyers is pleased to announce that Ashleigh DoRozario, a fierce advocate in the disability awareness space, recently met with the Attorney-General, the Honourable Shannon Fentiman MP to discuss the need for an accessibility liaison in Queensland Courts. Ashleigh became aware that there was a gap in the Queensland Courts where solicitors, witnesses, jurors, clients and the like who have a disability felt they couldn’t properly engage with our court systems or judges to allow a ‘fair go’. There were challenges for those with disabilities to get in contact with the Judge or Magistrate to explain that their disability may require the...

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Ashleigh DoRozario: Founding Member of the Queensland Law Society’s Diverse Abilities Network

At the beginning of this year, I became a founding member of the Queensland Law Society’s Diverse Abilities Network.  As a solicitor with disability, being legally blind with low vision, I represent persons with disability in the Queensland legal profession. In this position, I also work collaboratively with the Queensland Law Society’s Equity and Diversity Committee.  The aim of the network is to: address accessibility issues within the legal industry; seek greater diversity and inclusion within the profession; advocate equal opportunity and provide a support network for practitioners with disability accessibility, discrimination or human rights issues. With a view to destigmatising disability...

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Ashleigh DoRozario as an inspiring woman in law, ‘Creating Visibility for Disability’

The Legal 500’s fivehundred magazine features Ashleigh DoRozario as an inspiring woman in law, ‘Creating Visibility for Disability’ Earlier this year, and much to my surprise, I was approached by the Head of Inclusion, Equality and Culture of The Legal 500 – a London based company assessing capabilities of law firms globally, and highlighting lawyers producing innovative advice and unrivalled experience in the legal industry. By way of background, The Legal 500 publish a monthly magazine, fivehundred, providing insight into themes affecting the legal profession internationally. I received an email from The Legal 500 pitching their upcoming March edition: celebrating Women’s History Month...

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Ashleigh DoRozario Discusses ‘The Language of Ability’ in the Queensland Law Society’s Proctor

Potts Lawyers’ litigation lawyer, Ashleigh DoRozario, has authored an article discussing ‘The Language of Ability’.  Her article is this month’s spotlight feature of the Queensland Law Society’s online publication, Proctor. Ashleigh DoRozario is legally blind as a result of an autoimmune condition.  However, she was not always blind.  Ashleigh has been a valued member of our Potts Lawyers litigation team for over a decade, and we have been with her throughout the diagnostic journey to legal blindness; supporting her wellbeing, learning her remarkable capabilities despite adversity, and encouraging her professional development.  Over the years Ashleigh has learnt to adapt to her disability,...

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