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24 Hour Crime Line: 0488 999 980 or 18004POTTS
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Brisbane 4000
(07) 3221 4999
Gold Coast
44 Davenport St,
Southport 4215
(07) 5532 3133
24 Hour Crime Line
0488 999 980 or 18004POTTS







Charged with an offence during Schoolies 2021? Call our Lawyers for free early advice.

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Charged with an offence during Schoolies 2021? Call our Lawyers for free early advice.

The 2021 Schoolies celebrations are currently in full swing.

Whilst the important thing is that you enjoy yourself and celebrate your achievements it is as equally important to remember that what you do at Schoolies could have a lasting and significant impact on your future!

At the end of the day, it’s all about choices, make good choices and a good future awaits. Make bad choices and…. well, you get the point.

Bad choices at Schoolies could have a lasting impact on your future. If your bad choices lead to a criminal conviction, you could have difficulties with getting a job or traveling to certain countries.

The Queensland Government has published some great tips and information for Schoolies this year. This information includes some of your legal rights (and responsibilities) as well information about dealing with accommodation and service providers.

You can find that information at but to save you the click, we have included that information below.

If you find yourself on the wrong side of the law during Schoolies, it is important that you protect your future. If you or your child has been charged with an offence because of Schoolies celebrations make sure that you get legal advice immediately, timely advice may be the difference between the future of your dreams of that of your nightmares.

The following information is sourced from the Queensland Governments Safer Schoolies Website and is reproduced here for information purposes only.


Alcohol and the law

You might know that it’s against the law to drink alcohol under the age of 18 but did you know it’s illegal to drink in public no matter what your age?! It’s also an offence to be drunk in a public place. These are the laws for all of Queensland – not just during Schoolies.

Every year, hundreds of fines are handed out and school leavers taken into custody and ultimately, some futures ruined. Don’t become a statistic.

What are the laws in Queensland?

  • you must be over 18 years of age to enter a licensed venue or purchase alcohol
  • it’s against the law for any person to drink alcohol in a public place
  • it’s an offence to be drunk in a public place
  • it’s against the law for a person under 18 to buy alcohol
  • it’s an offence to supply alcohol to someone under the age of 18
  • if you are under 18, you can’t carry alcohol in public (even if you’re holding it for a mate whilst he does up his shoe lace).

You can be fined in Queensland for:

  • drinking in a public place : $400* (under 18) or $133* (18 years and over)
  • underage drinking or possession of liquor in a public place, even if you’re holding a drink for your friend who is over 18: $400*
  • being under 18 and found on licensed premises: $400*
  • being under 18 and found drinking or just holding a drink for a friend on licensed premises $400*

*or you could be taken to court and fined for each offence you commit.

Fines correct at time of publishing however they may increase.

If you’re 18 and you supply alcohol to your underage mates, you could face a fine of $1,067 (with a maximum up to $10,676).

You can read more about on-the-spot fines  and what to do if you receive an on-the-spot fine.

Public Order Offences Icon | Partying Young People

Drugs and the Law

Possession and the trafficking of illicit drugs is illegal. During Schoolies, police can search you for illegal drugs if they have cause to suspect that you have drugs in your possession.

In Queensland, the laws and penalties surrounding drugs can be harsh. If you are charged with an offence, it’s bound to affect your chances of travelling overseas, future job prospects as well as negatively impact relationships with your family and friends.

Avoiding drugs is the best way to protect your future and to ensure your Schoolies is memorable for all the right reasons.

What are the laws in Queensland?

  • possessing or supplying others with illegal drugs is a serious criminal offence
  • possessing a device that is used for smoking cannabis is an offence (e.g. bong, pipe or needle)
  • selling or supplying tobacco to someone under the age of 18 years is an offence
  • driving or being in charge of a vehicle under the influence of drugs is illegal
  • it is an offence to give someone prescription drugs other than as prescribed

If you are caught committing a drug offence, you will be dealt with in the criminal justice system.

Distributing intimate images

It is a crime in Queensland to share an intimate image of someone without their consent in a way that could reasonably cause distress to the other person. An intimate image is defined under the new laws, and includes a photograph or video of a person or digitally altered images.

While often referred to as ‘revenge porn’, sharing an intimate image without consent covers many behaviours and they are not always motivated by revenge.


It doesn’t matter if an image was originally taken with consent. If someone gave you the image or gave you permission to see the image, it does not mean they have agreed to anyone else seeing it.

If someone sends you an intimate image, don’t show it to anyone else without their willing consent—you cannot pressure them into agreeing.

Under 16s

If the person in the image is under 16, the law says it is never ok to share that image.

Even if the person has told you it’s ok to share, Queensland laws say a person under 16 cannot consent to an intimate image of them being shared.


The maximum penalty for sharing or threatening to share an intimate image without consent is 3 years in prison.

The courts can also order people who share the images—or even threaten to share the images—to take reasonable action to remove, destroy or delete them.

If someone has shared or is threatening to share an intimate image of you or someone you know, you can:


Don’t fake it! It’s illegal to use someone else’s ID or make a fake ID. If caught, you face being taken to court, your ID being confiscated and fined on the spot.

  • if you use a friend’s ID you may be fined $400* on the spot.
  • if you lend your ID to a friend you may be fined up to $667* and the ID may be confiscated on the spot.
  • if you deface an ID to use it you may be fined $533* on the spot.
  • if you falsely represent yourself as being over 18, you may be fined $400* on the spot
  • if you make and use a false ID you may be fined on the spot. Minors will be fined $266* and adults will be fined $533*.

*or you could be taken to court and fined for each offence you commit.

Fines correct at time of publishing however they may increase.


Talk to us

If you charged by the police with an offence during schoolies, contact us imediately for legal advice and/or representation.

Potts Lawyers are a leading Criminal Law firm servicing the Gold Coast and Brisbane in Queensland.

Contact us today: Gold Coast: (07) 5532 3133 or Brisbane: (07) 3221 4999 or contact our 24hour Crime Line: 0488 999 980

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