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Potts Lawyers > Immigration

Avoid Visa Application Mistakes: Tips for a Flawless Application

Did you know that there are over 100 different Australia visas subclasses? Each subclass has its own criteria, and requirements, making each application uniquely complex. This is why it is very common for applicants to make mistakes when completing a visa application. This article outlines six common visa application mistakes. Including some tips and tricks on how you can ensure that you avoid visa application mistakes and submit a flawless application. 1. Incorrect Personal Details For all Australian Visa applications, applicants must satisfy the Department of Home Affairs of their identity. The Department must be satisfied that you have valid photo...

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Visa Cancellations From Criminal Convictions: Key Points & Tips

Visa Cancellations From Criminal Convictions: Here are some key facts and what to do next: Mandatory Visa Cancellations In 2014, a significant change was introduced to Australia's immigration system through the Migration Amendment Bill (Character and General Visa Cancellation Act 2014). This altered the way visas were handled for individuals with criminal convictions. Under the new rules, visa holders who have a ‘substantial criminal record[1]’ are now subject to mandatory visa cancellations. Before the changes implemented in 2014, if a visa-holder with a substantial criminal record completed their sentence, they could return to their regular life, and their immigration status was not...

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Understanding Australia’s Bridging Visa System

This article explains the concept of Bridging Visa’s in Australia, how they work, the different types, and when you might need one. What are Bridging Visa’s? Bridging Visas are temporary Visas granted to applicants that are waiting for an outcome for a substantive visa application. As the term suggests they act as a bridge from one visa to the next. Bridging Visas are very important as they allow non-citizens to remain in Australia lawfully until a decision is made on their substantive visa application. There are five Bridging Visas, all of which have different purposes and different criteria. It is important to...

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The Preamble to Ministerial Direction 90

Introduction All non-citizens in Australia hold a visa that is in effect. If they do not, then they meet the definition of ‘unlawful non-citizen’. Visa-holders can lose their visa, and therefore lose their right to lawfully remain in Australia – they immediately become unlawful. Non-citizens can lose their visa through both ‘general’ cancellation provisions and through ‘character’ cancellation provisions. When a visa is automatically cancelled because the non-citizen is not of good character and the mandatory visa cancellation provisions have been triggered, the non-citizen is permitted to seek revocation of that decision. Very tight timeframes apply. After the non-citizen files documents to initiate...

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Ministerial Direction 90 and ‘Impediments to Removal’

Introduction Non-citizens in Australia are expected to comply with laws, and not engage in criminal activity or other serious conduct. A non-citizen that has that has not met these expectations can become run afoul of Australia’s Immigration laws, and ultimately find themselves subject to Ministerial Direction 90 (the ‘Direction’). Decision-makers must apply the provisions specified in the Direction to determine what will happen to the immigration status of the wrongdoer. We’ll cover the Direction in some detail below, but the main focus of this post is on the Impediments to Removal consideration. Many of the considerations of the Direction weigh against the...

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Australian Visa Cancellation and Children

Introduction This post is not about cancelling the visas held by non-citizen children! It aims to clarify the specific factors that are relevant when a non-citizen subject to Australian visa cancellation has minor children that live here. All non-citizens living in Australia are potentially subject to visa cancellation. Permanent visas; provisional visas; temporary visas; and bridging visas can all be cancelled under the strict ‘section 501’ character provisions. The cancellation process can be discretionary, or it can be automatically made through the operation of mandatory visa cancellation provisions. The Minister acting personally can cancel a visa, or a decision-maker working in the...

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Subclass 189 New Zealand stream – COVID affected income threshold

Amending legislative instrument from 14 November 2021 In previous posts, we wrote about the special permanent visa pathway set up from 1 July 2017 that is only available to New Zealand citizens. The visa is for New Zealand citizens in Australia that can demonstrate that they have made an economic contribution to Australia. It is the subclass 189 visa New Zealand stream. The pathway is under utilised. The uptake rate is said to be only about 10% of those anticipated to apply for the visa. It is regrettable that few people seem to know about it, nor apply even though they are...

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New Zealand Citizens and Australian Permanent Visa Applications

Lodging an Australian Permanent Visa Application as an New Zealand Citizen If you are a New Zealand citizen and have been living in Australia from 19 February 2016 or before, and you haven’t already lodged an Australian Permanent Visa application, maybe now is the time for you to get that ball rolling… This post will explain reasons why you might choose to do that – and some reasons why you might not! We will then explain a bit about the eligibility criteria for a special permanent visa pathway that is only available to New Zealand citizens. You might spend time and money...

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New Rules for Lawyers and Immigration Assistance at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

The rules have changed. If you (or someone you know) has experienced a visa application refusal or has had their visa cancelled, and an Administrative Appeals Tribunal (“AAT”) review is available, this post has relevance to you. Immigration Assistance Section 276 of the Migration Act 1958 (the “Act”) provides for the definition of “Immigration Assistance”. The definition includes situations where a person uses their knowledge or experience of migration procedures to provide advice, and to prepare visa applications and visa cancellation review applications. Preparing materials for a review application with the AAT in relation to a visa application or visa cancellation matter and...

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