Our client had a dispute with a 79 year old man at a shopping centre which resulted in the client pushing the man in the back. The push was considerable and propelled the man to the floor where he skidded on the shopping centre’s polished concrete. His injuries were bruises and skin tearing combined with the frailty of the complainant’s body in general.
Our client maintained he was provoked which caused a not-guilty plea to be entered.
Upon disclosure of the full brief of evidence and subsequent review of the CCTV footage from the shopping centre, it was clear that a defence of provocation would fail.
Our client decided to plead guilty and make use of the discounts afforded to a person who enters an early plea of guilty and avoids a trial.
Our client had no previous criminal history, was of good character and was ultimately fined the sum of $3,000.00.
$1,000.00 of that fine was ordered as a moiety to be paid to the complainant.
After hearing submissions by Mr Williams that a recorded conviction would interfere with our client’s career, the court agreed and ordered that no conviction be recorded.
This is a summary of an actual case. Details have been omitted to protect the privacy of our client. We select cases which are informative and no guarantee is provided that similar results are achievable in all cases. Every case is different and you should obtain legal advice specific to your matter and circumstances.