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Santos Place, Level 6, 32 Turbot Street,
Brisbane 4000
(07) 3221 4999
Gold Coast
44 Davenport St,
Southport 4215
(07) 5532 3133
24 Hour Crime Line
0488 999 980 or 18004POTTS







definitions Tag

Potts Lawyers > Posts tagged "definitions"

Just what is ‘Wilful damage’

Have you ever wondered what someone needs to do to attract a charge of ‘Wilful damage’? Recent charges where people have spat or thrown eggs on cars, where no other damage was caused other than requiring the car to be cleaned have caused concern in the Courts and Justice system.   Grajewski  v DPP (NSW) [2019] HCA 8 Recently, the High Court in Grajewski  v DPP (NSW) [2019] HCA 8 allowed an appeal and quashed the appellant's conviction and sentence for the offence of intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging property belonging to another, contrary to s 195(1)(a) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW)....

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