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Avoid Visa Application Mistakes: Tips for a Flawless Application

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Avoid Visa Application Mistakes: Tips for a Flawless Application

Did you know that there are over 100 different Australia visas subclasses? Each subclass has its own criteria, and requirements, making each application uniquely complex. This is why it is very common for applicants to make mistakes when completing a visa application. This article outlines six common visa application mistakes. Including some tips and tricks on how you can ensure that you avoid visa application mistakes and submit a flawless application.

1. Incorrect Personal Details

For all Australian Visa applications, applicants must satisfy the Department of Home Affairs of their identity. The Department must be satisfied that you have valid photo and secondary identification. This must match the details you provide in the application paperwork.

If you are completing a visa application online through the IMMI portal, it is easy to make spelling mistakes or ‘typos.’ These small mistakes can make a visa application invalid. As the details may not match your identification, the Department may not be able to validate your details.

To minimise the risk of providing incorrect personal details, type your details in carefully and re-read your answers. A good idea is to have your identification, such as your passport and birth certificate in front of you when you complete the application so you can double-check your details as you go.

Be careful of your keyboard shortcuts such as caps lock or num lock. Also be careful to not use autofill functions.

Once you get to the end of your application, a good tip is to print your application and read through the physical paper copy. Highlight any errors and go back and fix them on the application.

2. Incorrect Contact Details

Similar to the above, it is important to ensure you provide the Department with your correct and up-to-date contact details. If you do not provide your current contact details, such as your mobile phone number and email address, the Department may not be able to contact you and notify you of important information.

Make sure that you double check all your contact details are correct before lodging the application.

3. Incorrect Answers to Character Declaration Questions

All Australian Visa applicants have to complete a character declaration as part of the application process. This is usually the last 1-2 pages of the application and consists of simple Yes or No questions.

It is important to read each and every question carefully and provide correct answers. If you answer Yes to any of the character questions you will be prompted to provide further information about your circumstances and will need to upload supporting evidence.

Intentionally providing false information on government forms is a criminal offence in Australia. This can result in your application being refused. You may also be barred or prevented from applying for other Australian visa types in the future.

If you are unsure on how to answer the character declaration section of your visa application, please contact an immigration lawyer or accredited migration agent for help.

4. Attaching Incorrect Files or Incorrect File Format and Size

When completing a Visa application online, you will be prompted to upload supporting evidence. A common mistake that is easy to avoid is to double check that the document you are uploading is the correct document. When you upload the document, click on it and open it in a new window. Before you submit it, double check that it is the correct document. For some Visa applications you cannot delete a document after it has been submitted, so it is important to upload the right documents.

Most Visa applications will only accept documents in PDF or JPEG format. Please ensure that you convert documents to the correct format prior to uploading them. If you attempt to upload a document in the wrong format you will receive an error message, and the document will not successfully upload. If you do not know how to convert your documents to PDF format, a good tip is to select to print the document, and under the ‘Printer’ tab select ‘Print to PDF.’ This should convert the document into PDF format which you can then upload to your application.

There are file size limitations for most applications. Generally you cannot upload documents greater than 5MB. If your document is larger than 5MB it will not upload. Compressing the document to reduce the file size is not recommended as it reduces the overall quality of the document, and third-party applications may not be safe to upload your personal documents. Instead (and if possible), split the document into multiple parts, and upload them individually.

5. Insufficient Evidence to Support Application

There are lots of different categories of Australian Visa’s. These include family, work / employment, study or holiday. In order to meet your Visa application requirements, you must provide the Department with sufficient evidence as to why that Visa type should be granted to you.

For example, applicants applying for student visas must provide sufficient evidence to convince the department that they are a genuine student. Additionally, they need a Visa to fulfil that purpose.

Failure to provide sufficient evidence to support why your application should be granted, will result in the application being refused.

For some applicants this might be difficult to achieve if they don’t have much evidence to support their application. This is where an immigration lawyer or accredited migration agent can help you.

6. Missing a deadline

After an application has been submitted, if there are any updates for your application the Department of Home Affairs will contact you directly by phone, email or by express post. If they require additional documentation or evidence to support your application, they will generally impose a 14 – 28 day time frame for you to respond. Failure to make a valid response within the timeframe may result in your application being refused.

The Department of Home Affairs will not follow up with you multiple times. Instead, it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all requirements are met and all documentation requests are adhered to.

Here’s some tips to make sure that you do not miss any correspondence from the Department. Make sure that you frequently check your emails, including spam or junk inbox, and regularly checking your mail. The Department may call you from a No Caller ID number, so ensure that you answer your phone.

What do I do if I have made a mistake, but I have already submitted the application?

If you think that you have made a mistake on your application, it is important to notify the Department of Home Affairs as soon as possible. You can do this through your IMMI Portal, by selecting your application and submitting a form through the ‘Update Details’ section. You may need to provide an explanation as to why an incorrect answer was submitted and supporting documentation.

Potts Lawyers Immigration Services

At Potts Lawyers our immigration team is here to assist you with all visa enquiries. If you need assistance with an Australian Visa application, contact our team today to book in for a free 20-minute consultation!

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