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Ashleigh DoRozario appointed as a member of the Queensland Law Society Equity & Diversity Committee!

Potts Lawyers > Firm news  > Ashleigh DoRozario appointed as a member of the Queensland Law Society Equity & Diversity Committee!

Ashleigh DoRozario appointed as a member of the Queensland Law Society Equity & Diversity Committee!

Congratulations to Ashleigh DoRozario who is now officially appointed as a member of the Queensland Law Society Equity & Diversity Committee!

Ashleigh is a litigation lawyer at Potts Lawyers. She is also legally blind.

At the beginning of this year, Ashleigh made the brave decision to speak up for disability within the legal profession. She created the social media persona @BlindLadyJustice to champion equal opportunity and inclusion of people with disability, impairment or injury within our profession and wider society.

From there, Ashleigh became a founding member of the QLS Diverse Abilities Network which is a growing support network of lawyers, law students, academics etc with disability, as well as others who are keen supporters of people with disability. She was approached by Legal 500 and authored ‘Creating Visibility for Disability’ for their special edition publication for International Women’s Day, and further articles followed for QLS Proctor on ‘The Language of Ability’ and awareness for ‘White Cane Day’.

Ashleigh has assisted the QLS with policy submissions regarding disability, and has provided lived experiences to the Disability Royal Commission to assist with their inquiry.

Recently, Ashleigh also appeared as a panellist for a QLS rendition of ABC’s ‘You Can’t Ask That’ for International Day for People with Disability and we are told she had an absolute blast answering questions to destigmatise disability.

You are determined to change society’s perception of disability to focus on a more positive narrative of diverse abilities and valuable contributions to community. You are influencing hearts and minds and we are looking forward to supporting your efforts in 2021 and beyond.

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Contact us for a free consultation or call our Brisbane office on (07) 3221 4999 or Gold Coast office on (07) 5532 3133.


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